We are an OEM Handbag factory located in Guangdong China. We manufacture according to your design and specifications and provide private label service with custom packaging if required. We pride ourselves in high quality craftsmanship and transparency with our customers. We try our best to keep MOQ to a minimal and assist our new customers anyway we can; as reference, our MOQ for Handbags ranges from 50-300 per design SKU. If you have ready designs/logos and would like a mockup sample we will produce them for your consideration.
OEM/ODM Ladies Handbags Geniune Leather PU
OEM ODM Ladies Handbags available for Private Labeling
$ 10.00 - 50.00 USD /Piece
Min Order Qty: 100-300 Pieces
Country of origin: China
Sample Available: Yes
Sample Price: $ 150 USD
Delivery Lead Time: 21-35 days
Payment Terms: bank wire transfer, 50% deposit remainder upon completion
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OEM/ODM Ladies Handbags Geniune Leather PU
Brand:OEM private labeling available
Product Specifications
PU or Genuine Leather
upon customer's request
Shipping & Packaging
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